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FM2025-01-RFP Flood Mitigation Program: WP3 – South Ruckle Construction

New RFP Opportunity on BC Bid
Document Links:

The City of Grand Forks invites Proposals from qualified contractors to construct the Work Package 3, South Ruckle dike and drainage network, in support of the City’s Flood Mitigation Program. Once complete, WP3 will provide protection from overland flooding for approximately 100 residential properties, several industrial properties, and critical City infrastructure. The drainage network will allow for some amount of emergency dewatering of the neighborhood and reduce the impact and duration of flooding from groundwater and stormwater during large flood events. The WP3 scope of work includes the construction of new earthen berm dikes, sheet pile wall dikes, riprap protection, drainage infrastructure, and various related works as described in this RFP (including attachments and Reference Material).

The Scope of Work for the project includes, but is not limited to, the planning, mobilization, supply, installation, storage of all materials, equipment (including stand-by), power, labour (including stand-by), supervision, implementation, protection, security, execution, operation (including stand-by), quality control, quality management, removal, restoration, and demobilization of all measures required to complete the work as presented in the Contract Documents. Further information outlining the scope of work, while not exhaustive, is provided in Schedule B in the Reference Material folder.

Interested Proponents must submit by email the Registration Letter (Schedule A) to fmp@grandforks.ca to receive a link to Reference Material and the invitation to a Mandatory Proponents’ meeting. The deadline for Registering will be 15 minutes after the end of the Mandatory Proponents’ meeting at 12:30 pm on February 5th; however, Proponents are encouraged to register as early as possible to ensure an invitation is received to the meeting and to gain early access to essential Reference Material. Proposals from non-registered Proponents will not be accepted.