Open House Information Pamphlet – 240221 – Open House-Pamphlet 

Open House FAQ sheet – Boundary_Expansion_FAQs

Open House Presentation Boards – Boards

Current Project Timeline – as of February 2023 – 240212 – Boundary Extension – Project Timeline


Project overview

The City of Grand Forks is initiating a process to explore a municipal boundary extension based on a request from a landowner who is proposing a multi-phase residential development located to the northwest of the City’s current boundaries. The proposed extension area is approximately 95 ha (234 ac) in size, is located in the Regional District of the Kootenay Boundary along North Fork Road north of Coalchute Road and would affect approximately 20 landowners (see map).

The proposed municipal boundary extension is being explored to support the provision of a wider range of housing choices and better meet the housing needs of current and future residents in the community.

City Council gave approval to initiate exploring a municipal boundary extension at a Council Meeting on April 17, 2023. As part of this exploration, a formal process, set by the Province, must be followed. It involves consultation with affected landowners, First Nations communities, adjacent governments, and other affected parties, in addition to detailed analyses of potential impacts such as tax rates, cost implications, servicing, access, emergency services, and zoning.

Landowners located within the proposed boundary extension area can expect to receive direct communications and consultation opportunities about the proposed municipal extension. Additional opportunities will be provided for the broader community to learn more and share their thoughts as we work through the provincial process.

Keep checking back here as new information and details on upcoming community engagement will be added once confirmed.

What happens with a Boundary Extension?

A boundary extension is a provincially regulated process which includes six steps: Council resolution, proposal development including rationale, implications, public, affected party and First Nations engagement, Ministerial review, electoral approval, and Provincial approval, and implementation by the City and Regional District.

As part of the process, a third-party consultant has been hired by the City to plan and implement the engagement process in alignment with provincial requirements. This includes engaging all affected property owners and partners directly. The City of Grand Forks will be engaging with property owners and residents of the boundary extension area to ensure they are aware and have the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed boundary extension.

For more information  or to learn more about the process outlined by the Province see the Municipal Boundary Extension Process Guide

Tell me more about the proposed development?

Copper Sky Development is a proposed multi-phase development that will consist of approximately 800 homes located on 100 ac, with an additional 30 ac used for public transportation, green space amenities, and infrastructure.

For more information visit: Masterplan | Copper Sky (

Project timing (subject to change based on provincial requirements and consultation)

Spring 2023    Proposal for the Copper Sky Project was made to Council on April 17, 2023, at the Committee of the Whole meeting.
Summer 2023 City of Grand Forks retained ISL Engineering and Land Services, a third-party consultant, to design and implement the engagement process in alignment with provincial requirements
Fall 2023 – current Engagement with affected parties, public, landowners, regional and provincial governments, First Nations, emergency services and utility providers. (Step 1)
March / April Submission to the proposal to the province (Step 2)
TBD Provincial review (Step 3)
June / July 2024 Municipal Electoral Approval Process (Step 4) *timeline dependent on provincial review
July / August 2024  Prepare package for provincial approval
TBD – Possibly July / August 2024 Final Submission to the Province (Step 5) for Approval

How to provide feedback?

This fall, the City of Grand Forks will be reaching out to affected parties including landowners, regional and provincial governments, First Nations, emergency services and utility providers. We will be sending information to affected parties directly on the proposed boundary extension and how they can provide feedback.

In addition, later this fall the City will host an Open House to share information on the proposed boundary extension, what we heard from the affected parties and gather feedback from the broader community.

What if I am a landowner within the proposed boundary extension area?

There are approximately 20 properties which will be affected by the proposed municipal boundary extension. The City is committed to hearing from property owners and will be reaching out to landowners to set up individual meetings to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.

I need more information on how this could impact me

Because we’re only just starting to explore the proposed municipal boundary extension there are still some details we need to confirm. We’re committed to updating this website and the Frequently Asked Questions on a regular basis as new information and details are confirmed. Please let us know if you have any specific questions or information you’re interested in, and we’ll do our best to get answers.


Proposed Municipal Boundary Extension – Frequently Asked Questions

October 2023 – Version 1
(updated October 6, 2023)

Proposed Boundary Extension Project:

Why is the City of Grand Forks exploring extending its boundary?

The proposed municipal Boundary Extension is being explored to support the provision of a wider range of housing choices available to current and future residents in the community. The request for a Boundary Extension was initiated by a private landowner in the area who is interested in developing their land for more urban uses, including increased housing options.

Has the City of Grand Forks already decided it will extend its boundary?

No. No decisions have been made. A Boundary Extension is a provincially regulated process with a number of steps starting with a council resolution to start the process to explore expanding its boundary. Council agreed to proceed on April 17, 2023  (Review the proposal and Council Resolution here). The City is now working with a third-party consultant to start the process which includes engaging all affected parties, evaluating existing infrastructure and service delivery, and assessing the financial impacts of a potential municipal Boundary Extension. It is important the City hears from affected parties through this process.

What happens during a Boundary Extension?

A Boundary Extension is a change where one municipal boundary may increase while the adjacent boundary is reduced. This could include municipalities, electoral areas, or regional districts. A Boundary Extension may involve changes to taxation, revenues, infrastructure, and overall service provision by the local governments involved. The proposed boundary change would extend the boundary for the City of Grand Forks and reduce the boundary for the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary’s Electoral Area D.

Where is it located?

The Boundary Extension area, shown in the map below, includes a 94.52 hectare (233.57 acre) area currently located in the Regional District of the Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), north of Coalchute Road. (Map linked below)


What is the size of the proposed Boundary Extension?

The Boundary Extension area, shown in the map above includes a 94.52-hectare (233.57 acre) area currently located in the Regional District of the Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), north of Coalchute Road.

How many properties are part of the proposed Boundary Extension area?

Approximately 20 properties are proposed for inclusion within the municipality. 

Is there a development proposed for this area?

A landowner is proposing a multi-phase development, Copper Sky Development, which will consist of approximately 800 units located on 100 acres. An additional 30 acres is proposed for public transportation, green space amenities, and infrastructure. On January 9, 2023, Council received a presentation from Copper Sky Associates requesting Council consider a boundary extension to incorporate the proposed development into the municipal boundaries of Grand Forks. For more information on the proposed development, visit: Masterplan | Copper Sky (

At this time, the developer has indicated that all water and sewer infrastructure will be installed and maintained at the cost of the developer and future residents of the development area. If the Boundary Extension process is successful, City development processes and applicable bylaws would apply. Through this process, the City would have opportunities to discuss and negotiate these items in detail. Council could also apply legislative tools such as Development Permit Areas as part of an Official Community Plan amendment to further guide the development and align with Council’s and the community’s vision.

How does the City of Grand Forks plan for development?

The City’s plans for growth and development are guided through our Official Community Plan which recently underwent a review and update. Official Community Plans set a community’s long-term vision for the future and describe objectives on how the vision will be achieved. Our Zoning Bylaw implements the vision from our Official Community Plan by assigning zones and associated requirements to regulate how land, buildings, and other structures may be used.

The Process

What is a Boundary Extension?

A Boundary Extension is a provincially regulated process which includes six steps: Council resolution, proposal development including rationale, implications, public, affected party and First Nations engagement, Ministerial review, electoral approval, and Provincial approval, and implementation by the City and Regional District.

As part of the City process, a third-party consultant has been hired to plan and implement the engagement process in alignment with provincial requirements. This includes engaging all affected property owners and partners directly. The City of Grand Forks will be engaging with property owners and residents of the Boundary Extension area to ensure they are aware and have the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed Boundary Extension.

For more information or to learn more about the process outlined by the Province see the Municipal Boundary Extension Process Guide

What are the steps for a Boundary Extension?

A Boundary Extension is provincially regulated process which includes engaging all affected partners, evaluating existing infrastructure and service delivery, and assessing the financial impacts of the extending services through a Boundary Extension.

The City of Grand Forks municipal Boundary Extension process will follow the process outlined by the Province which includes the following six steps:

1.     Council resolution
2.     Proposal development including rationale, implications, Public, affected party and First Nations engagement
3.     Provincial Review

4.     Electoral approval

5.     Provincial approval, and
6.     Implementation by the City and Regional District

Who makes the final decision on a Boundary Extension in the Province of British Columbia?

The Local Government Act (section 20) requires the Lieutenant Governor in Council (Cabinet) to approve municipal Boundary Extension requests.

How long does the Boundary Extension process take?

The timing for the Boundary Extension process is based on provincial requirements and consultation. The official request by a private landowner to explore a Boundary Extension was made to Council on April 17, 2023 at the Committee of the Whole meeting. Review the proposal here and the Council Resolution to proceed with exploring a municipal Boundary Extension.

The proposed project will take approximately 12 – 18 months to complete from the initial consultation as part of the proposal submission stage. Depending on comments received through the consultation process and input from the Province, we anticipate submitting the potential proposal for electoral approval in early 2024 and then, if approved by the electors, proceed to provincial approval in the spring of 2024.

How are Boundary Extensions funded?

It can vary from community to community depending on what initiates the process. In this process, the proposed Boundary Extension was requested by a private landowner.

What studies are part of the Boundary Extension process?

Information such as rationale to justify the extension, impacts to land use, and comments from the consultation will be included as part of the initial proposal that will be submitted to the Province to consider the request for a municipal Boundary Extension.

Property Owners

What services will change if my property is included in the Boundary Extension?

During the consultation process, the City will be consulting with the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, Grand Forks Irrigation District, emergency services, and provincial ministries to determine what services may be impacted by the proposed Boundary Extension and what other implications could arise (e.g., changes to taxes, servicing requirements, zoning). We are working with all partners to identify potential changes specific to each individual property owner. As details are confirmed, we will share them directly with property owners.

Will I still be able to use my land the same way I’m currently using it?

If the boundary extension is successful, at this time, no drastic changes to the current land use and water/sewer servicing requirements are anticipated. Landowners can continue to use the properties as they do today until Council determines that a zoning and OCP change are desirable.

Under the Regional District’s Zoning Bylaw, I’m not able to subdivide my land. If the proposed Boundary Extension is approved, would I be able to subdivide my land?

Should the proposed Boundary Extension be approved, the City’s Zoning Bylaw would at a later point in time apply to properties located in the Boundary Extension area. If a property owner is interested, they would be able to explore future subdivision and re-zoning through City processes. This would only be initiated based on a property owner’s interest. Subdivision would not be a requirement should the Boundary Extension be improved.

My land is located near the proposed Boundary Extension area but not included in the Proposed Boundary Area, is the City planning to extend the boundary further in the future?

The proposed Boundary Extension area that is being explored as part of this process was approved by Council in April 2023. The area includes the 94.52 hectare (233.57 acre) area currently located in the Regional District of the Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), north of Coalchute Road. The City has no plans to change the proposed Boundary Extension area at this time to extend beyond this section of land.

How will my rural lifestyle be impacted?

It is important to the City of Grand Forks to hear from property owners in the Boundary Extension area. We will be reaching out directly to each property owner to share information and collect comments. Questions and feedback received from you will help us to understand what is important to you.


What value does the Boundary Extension have to the City of Grand Forks?

The proposed municipal Boundary Extension is intended to support the provision of a wider range of housing choices and better meet the housing needs of current and future residents in the community.

The tax base of the City will grow with 20 added properties which are estimated to contribute additional tax revenue, phased in over time, to the community. Based on 2023 tax calculations, the total 2023 value would have been roughly $29,564. Additional tax revenue will also be achieved as the area develops further.

Will my taxes go up or my services change if I live in the proposed Boundary Extension area?

Council is currently discussing this topic and once there is more information, the City will be meeting with individual property owners in the affected areas to discuss what the proposed Boundary Extension will mean to each individual property, including taxes and services. During these meetings, property owners will have the opportunity to provide feedback for the Consultant to include in the final proposal submission to the province.

How will property values for landowners adjacent to the proposed Boundary Extension area be affected if this is approved by the province?

BC Assessment provides annual assessments for properties throughout BC. There are a number of considerations that are taken into account by BC Assessment when determining the market value.

For more information see:


Who are you engaging with?

Landowners in the affected area, First Nations, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, Grand Forks Irrigation District, emergency services, provincial ministries, and the local community as part of the engagement process. The last group to consult is the broader community including all residents of Grand Forks.

How does The City address objections to the Boundary Extension?

As part of the engagement process, the City will be collecting feedback including both support and objections to the Boundary Extension. As questions and concerns are raised through this process, we’ll do our best to get answers and mitigate concerns. All feedback submitted will be included in the package for electoral and provincial approval.

How can I stay informed and find more information?

Because we’re only just starting to explore the proposed municipal Boundary Extension there are still some details we need to confirm. We’re committed to updating the project website ( and this document (Frequently Asked Questions) on a regular basis as new information and details are confirmed. Please let us know if you have any specific questions or information you’re interested in, and we’ll do our best to get answers.





January 9, 2023 COTW – 230109 – Copper Fields Delegation Request

February 13, 2023 COTW – 230213 Copper Fields Development Boundary Expansion Delegation Request

February 13, 2023 COTW – 230213 Copper Sky Development Project Boundary Expansion Information (Staff Report)

April 17, 2023 COTW – 230417 Copper Sky Project Delegation Request

August 14, 2023 COTW – 230814 Boundary Expansion Anticipated Project Timeline

September 11, 2023 Regular Mtg – 230911 Boundary Extension Discussion Points for Council (Staff Report)

October 10, 2023 Regular Mtg – 231010 – Boundary Extension – Report

Sample Notification Letter to Landowners – 231019 – Boundary Extensions – Sample Notification to Landowners

Information Package and Meeting Request to Landowners – Sample One-on-One package to Landowners 

December 11, 2023 COTW – 231211 – Boundary Extension Project – Timeline Update and Open House

February 12, 2024 COTW – 240212 – Boundary Extension – Developer Update

Open House Information Pamphlet – 240221 – Open House-Pamphlet 

Open House FAQ sheet – Boundary_Expansion_FAQs

Open House Presentation Boards – Boards

April 15, 2024 – Regular Mtg – 240415 – BoundaryExtension-Updates


Current Project Timeline – as of February 2023 – 240212 – Boundary Extension – Project Timeline