Grand Forks Public Works

The City of Grand Forks has a complement of 18 union employees and one supervisor to operate and maintain the public works department. The City is one of five municipalities in the province of B.C. that operates its own electric utility. The operation of the electric utility is a revenue source for the City of Grand Forks as well as allowing the municipality to set its own fair and equitable rates for our customers.

The water and sewer utilities are both assets to the City of Grand Forks in their own right. The City’s abundant water comes from water wells – as deep as two hundred and fifty feet. The City’s water is chlorinated. The sewage treatment plant is state-of-the-art and is designed to provide sewage treatment for a population of 4500 residents. The plant has the capability of expanding to provide service for 7500 residents. The old sewage lagoons beside the plant are used for storage of sludge waste.

The Public Works Department look after all the Roads and Grounds in the City, along with all Facilities and Parks. The Public Works Department looks after many City assets ensuring that the City of Grand Forks incredible aesthetic value is maintained to its optimum, with a keen eye on practicality and safety.

We welcome your input on any and all facets of the City Public works.

Director of Operations: Alex Adams

(250) 442-4148

Facilities & Parks

City of Grand Forks - City Park Campers

Grand Forks Gyro ParkThe Grand Forks Public Works Department maintains 9 parks (George Massey Park, City Park, Lois Haggen Park, Gyro Park, Barbara Ann Park, Sugimoto Park, Dick Bartlett Park, Angus McDonald Park and James Donaldson Park) and the Evergreen Cemetery.

The Public Works Department takes care of 22 publicly owned buildings including all carpentry repairs, roof repairs, painting and renovations.

The Public Works Department looks after 35 acres of lawn that is mowed weekly, all boulevards along Central are mowed weekly, 35 flower beds planted, watered and weeded and 1100 trees pruned and maintained.

Grand Forks Park FlowersThe Public Works Department looks after 1.7 miles of trails including the City of Grand Forks’ new trail system that travels from Ruckle Addition, across the Darryl Priede Train Bridge and connects to the Perley and Grand Forks Secondary Schools.

The Public Works Department handles over 13 miles of sidewalk construction and repairs as well as providing assistance for all special events such as the Grand Forks International, Canna Fest and the Grand Forks Fall Fair.

Roads & Grounds

City of Grand Forks - Roads and Grounds Crew at Work

The Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of all roads and lanes within the City of Grand Forks including snow removal and sanding, black top maintenance and road repairs, street cleaning, maintenance of 11km of storm sewer lines and street washing.

They install and maintain street signs and assist with setting up for special events such as Canada Day, the Grand Forks International Baseball Tournament and the Grand Forks Fall Fair.

The City mechanic is responsible for the maintenance of 75 pieces of equipment and small tools.

Roads & Grounds Emergency: (250) 442-8266