Corporate Administration Department
The Chief Administrative Officer directs the overall operation of the City. They oversee the five City departments – Corporate Administration, Financial Administration, Outside Works, Engineering and Development, and the Fire Department.
Appointed by Council, they are Council’s staff liaison, providing advice and recommendations with regard to policies, as well as ensuring that policies, directives and other decisions of Council are carried out.
The Chief Administrative Officer is the City’s key liaison with other agencies operating within, or on behalf of, the City, such as the R.C.M.P., Grand Forks Public Library, the Boundary Museum and the Chamber of Commerce, to name a few.
The Chief Administrative Officer is responsible for labour and service contracts, land sales and acquisitions negotiations. As well, they are the individual responsible for communicating Council’s decisions to the public and the media.
The Corporate Officer is the municipal officer assigned the responsibility of Corporate Administration. Appointed by Council, and reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer, the Corporate Officer’s statutory duties include:
- Ensuring that minutes of all Council and Committee meetings are prepared accurately and that these minutes are kept secured
- The drafting of bylaws and other records of the City of Grand Forks
- Certifying bylaws and other documents
- Ensuring that access is provided to local government records as required by law
In addition to the above statutory duties, the Corporate Officer coordinates the drafting of contracts, the preparation of all meeting agendas, administration of the Collective Agreement.
Chief Administrative Officer: Duncan Redfearn
Corporate Officer: Kevin McKinnon
Deputy Corporate Officer: Kelly Deinstadt
Technology Services Coordinator: Morgan Strohmann
Corporate & Technology Services Assistants: Kirsty Faramin