Draft Pesticide Use Bylaw

At the October 21 Regular Meeting of Council, a draft Pesticide Use bylaw was presented along with a staff report explaining how such a bylaw could be implemented within the City and what exemptions exist for uses which are either Federally or Provincially regulated.

Council determined that the draft bylaw should be posted and public feedback solicited.

The draft bylaw (BylawXXXX-PesticideUseControlBylaw-Draftv1) is available for download and review.  The Staff Report and bylaw are also posted with the October 21 Meeting Agenda (Agenda Item – Pesticide Use Bylaw).

[Update] At the November 4, 2024, meeting, Council determined that further discussion on the proposed bylaw would be deferred until the January 13 Committee of the Whole meeting to allow time for further public feedback to be received.

Comments on the bylaw or report may be forwarded to Council by emailing the City at info@grandforks.ca

Canadian Navigable Waters Act – Public Notice


Canadian Navigable Waters Act

The City of Grand Forks hereby gives notice that a submission has been added to the Navigable Waters Registry pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for public comment described herein and its site and plans.

Pursuant to paragraph 10(1)(b) of the said Act, the City of Grand Forks has deposited with the Minister of Transport on the on-line Common Project Search Registry (http://cps.canada.ca/) and under Registry Number 11298 a description of the following work, its site and plans:

Replacement of the City of Grand Forks treated effluent outfall that extends from the Wastewater Treatment Plan and discharges into the Kettle River east of the Rockwool Industrial Plant and Lot Plan #17928. Outfall location: 11 U; Northing: 5431236.0/Easting: 395777.0.

Posted at Grand Forks, BC this 15th day of August 2024.

City of Grand Forks

240815 – Canadian Navigable Waters Act Public Notice

2023 Community Service/Volunteer Award Nominations Open – Deadline Oct 13

To nominate a volunteer or community group for the annual Community Services awards, please fill out this form.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, October 13.  Awards will be presented prior to the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting at 10:00am on Monday, November 6.


2023 Online Volunteer Recognition Nomination Form

To nominate an individual or group for our Annual Community Volunteer Recognition Event, please fill in this online form below. Starred (*) fields are required!

"*" indicates required fields

This may be read at the award presentation if your nominee is selected.
Will your nominee be able to attend the award presentations prior to the start of the 10:00am Committee-of-the-Whole meeting on November 6th?*

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Fall Paving Program gets underway in October

The 2023 paving program is funded through the Canada Community-Building Fund (formerly the Federal Gas Tax fund).

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